Smoke Density Tester

Smoke Density Tester As per ASTM D 2843

Density of smoke from the burning or Decomposition of plastics is measured. This test method describes the measuring and observing the relative amounts of smoke obscuration produced by the burning or decomposition of plastics. It is intended to be used for measuring the smoke producing characteristics of plastics under controlled conditions of combustion or decomposition. The measurements are made interns of the loss of light transmission through a collected volume of smoke produced under controlled, standardized conditions. Digital Electronic Photometer with a 0 to 100 % Absorbance Scale & Electronic Timer Provided Storag of Max. 6 sample results and printout facility for complete report.


Universal Tensile Testing Machine

Universal Tensile Testing Machine - Single Column

Shanta Engineering Universal Testing Machines are electro mechanical machines with digital display of load & displacement & pulley belt system for changing speeds. The machines are designed for testing various materials like rubber, plastics, cables, leather, paper, plywood and metals.

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Melting Point Apparatus

Melting Point Apparatus

It is usable to estimate the Melting Point of chemicals, Pharamaceuticals, Food Etc.,
This is very useful to determine the melting point if any subsatance.
Max Temp. up to 3500C. Consist with aluminium cylindrical block for heating, Radial holes admits a thermometer and glass capillary.

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Hot Air Oven

Hot Air Oven

It is an oven with an arrangement to hang the dumbbell shaped sample inside the oven with a set of weights which can be hanged at one end of the sample. Pointers are provided on the gauge marks on the sample and elongation of gauge length in 20 minutes is measured with the help of a scale fixed inside the oven just near to the sample.

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